For example, if you have recently searched about monsoons, the smart feed displays relevant articles from the internet regarding monsoons. If you no longer have an interest in a topic, you can tap on the card and select ‘not interested’ option to remove them from the feed. Though Google automatically comprehends your interests, at times, it may ignore a particular topic to prioritize other subjects that you searched multiple times. To eliminate the caveat, Google app now allows you to manually follow a topic. If you want to get updates on Bahubali movie, you can manually click on the ‘follow’ button present in the search result.

Google app has taken a cue from Google News. The app now displays multiple articles on a topic from different news portals to ensure you are exposed to the relevant information. You can just click on the topic heading to dive through more search results. For example, if GST is your area of interest, the Google app displays multiple articles regarding GST under one card. Moreover, clicking on the topic heading, GST, lets you view more search results. Google’s Shashi Thakur, VP, Engineering, said in a blog post, “With these updates to the feed, it’s easier than ever to stay in the know about exactly the things you care about and see more content to inform, inspire and entertain you. You’ll spend less time and energy trying to keep up with your interests and more time enjoying and cultivating them. Whether you’re a pet-loving, Nietzsche-reading, sports fanatic; a hip-hop head and burgeoning brewmaster; or anything in between, your feed should fit your fancy.”