It is no secret that Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence is quickly working towards creating smarter machines that will replace various human tasks. With the help of machine learning, various accounting related tasks, as well as programming related tasks have been cut short. In a latest update, Google is working on a machine learning software that can create machine learning software of it’s own!

This is a part of Google’s AutoML – a project aimed at automating the process of machine learning where software creates software. As strange as it sounds – it is getting real with every passing day. The AutoML system has created a machine learning software which can see the images and sort them as per their contents. This software has a 82% accuracy score. AutoML also created another machine learning software which can mark the location of multiple objects in an image with an accuracy of 43%. The best human created software for this task has managed an accuracy of 39% so far! This AutoML project is experimental for now. However Google does have plans to expand it and make it accessible in the long run. This would give a major boost to important industries such as healthcare and finance. This concept of machine learning software creating machine learning software has been a subject of many science fiction novels and movies where a rogue AI programs other rogue AIs to overtake humans. We are far away from such a reality for now. However there have been instances which are quite creepy. Facebook’s AI developed a language of it’s own which was a slightly different variant of English. It was eventually shut down. These experiments such as AutoML are being conducted in controlled and secretive environments and need many protective measures before being made available for research. Source: WIRED

Google s Machine Learning Software Can Now Build Machine Learning Software Of It s Own - 6Google s Machine Learning Software Can Now Build Machine Learning Software Of It s Own - 88