The Quarter 3 report from Canalys shows a 23% year on year growth in smartphone shipping to India. Touching just over 40 million units, India has now overtaken the US to become the second largest smartphone market after China.

India becomes second largest smartphone market

With Quarter 3 shipments skyrocketing to over 40 million units, India has now surpassed the USA to become the second largest smartphone market in India. This time, the competition mainly took place between Samsung and Xiaomi. While the Canalys estimates peg Samsung growth at 30%, Xiaomi’s shipments grew by a huge 290%. With these numbers, Xiaomi has no doubt benefitted the most from this festive season here in India. Also, the top 5 contributors to the Indian smartphone market now constitute 75% of the total market. With these figures, all of the top 5 players have registered growth. Canalys Analyst Rushabh Doshi stated, “Xiaomi focuses on the low end. It struggles in the mid-range (devices priced between INR15,000 and INR20,000), where Samsung, Oppo, and Vivo are particularly strong. Nevertheless, we predict Xiaomi’s continued go-to-market innovations will allow it to overtake Samsung within a couple of quarters.”

Xiaomi sells over 4 million units

— Manu Kumar Jain (@manukumarjain) October 25, 2017 In the tweet, Manu Kumar Jain also claims that Xiaomi has sold 1 million+ units from their own in just one month. With Redmi Note 4 being the best seller, Xiaomi is now on an aggressive expansion in India. The company just launched three new products in their Indian lineup.