The expectation of better music experience on smartphone have grown significantly by the users. The 3.5mm has been here from a long while but hasn’t seen any significant change to it since then. So now, the USB Type-C is here to replace this old analog technology. With digital connection available via Type-C headphone, designers can integrate the digital-to-analog converter and amplifier right into the headphones. So the Le Eco has moved to this digital solution and came up with this new Type-C USB with CDLA Technology.

What is CDLA and why we need CDLA ?

CDLA stands for Continual Lossless Digital Audio. CDLA technology is certified by the Music Association of China. It is basically a new architecture which enables end-to-end lossless digital music transmission.

The CDLA headphones launched by LeEco have the noise cancelling circuit built within the headphones which draws power from the USB Type C port along with the digital audio. The CDLA technology lets you to listen to enhanced audio quality which integrates the digital-to-analog converter and amplifier right into the headphones. It streams lossless audio to a decoder chip present inside the headphone itself. The problems with analog audio are like interface noise compatibility issues, poor sound field, noise from connector and etc. No matter how good the 3.5mm jack is, there will be some loss going on. It’s almost impossible to achieve the real integration between phone and earphones. So the new CDLA Technology erases all these problems and improves audio quality significantly. CDLA technology is all set to redefine audio experience with its innovative technology and intelligence. As of now, a earphone and a headphone has been introduced by Le Eco which supports CDLA and works with Type-C USB port. But we also expect third party manufacturers to jump in to make headphones.