Reliance was working with law enforcement agencies to investigate the alleged leak, which cyber security analysts say could be the largest data leak from any Indian telecom service provider. A man named Imran Chhimpa was detained on Tuesday who is suspected to have some links with the particular case. Investigation team from Mumbai will arrive to take the procedure further. Another person, who is a proprietor of a local internet service provider in Sujangarh, where Chhimpa was a customer, confirmed that he has been detained. He further added that he was contacted by police to know more about Chhimpa earlier on Tuesday. A link on Frendz4m was posted with an IP address using the handle “imranchhimpa” which stated that it can provide personal details of anyone with a Jio connection. The post further confirmed that the data is retrieved from original documents. The proprietor was asked to take police to the address where the installation of the IP address was done and later asked to take them to Chhimpa’s residence. Chhimpa was not at his place and even his phone was switched off. According to the further reports, another person is involved at a higher level for this information breach. Let’s see who is the real culprit behind the biggest information breach ever made in the telecom industry.