The Herald has reported the possibility of a business deal between Apple and Samsung. The possibility is based on one of Samsung’s CEOs, Kwon Oh-Hyun’s visit to Apple headquarters. It is speculated that Hyun succeeded in striking a deal with Apple.

Samsung Buys Advanced Tech

TSMC had acquired the 7 nm (nanometer) processor-making equipment in the early days. This proved to be a major reason for the company’s current 50.6% market share of the Global Chip foundry sector. Samsung is also reported to have purchased Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography Machines. This is the most advanced 7 nm chip-making technology. Samsung is speculated to use this tech to manufacture Apple’s upcoming A12 chips.

Other Apple-Samsung Deals

Recently Apple is reported to have placed an order of 70 million OLED panels with Samsung. The order is speculated to be for the iPhone 10th Anniversary edition which will come later this year. Samsung is currently the leading manufacturer of OLED display panels.

The Apple-Samsung Clash

The patent-violation war between Apple and Samsung started in 2011 with 19 lawsuits in 9 countries. The case was that of design infringement by Samsung. Apple alleged Samsung of copying some basic design features of the iPhone in some of its devices. The cases stretched to up to 50 lawsuits filed globally. Samsung even had to pay an amount of $400 million to Apple as damages. The decision was recently reversed and the case sent to Federal Circuit Court in 2016.

A New Age?

We can expect Apple-Samsung relations to take a good turn in future. The order from Apple and Samsung CEO visiting Apple HQ shows positive signs. The tech giants may be in for a mega collaboration in the near future.