We have shot several videos under different conditions like from a car on slight bumpy road, helicopter, walking on road etc. We are in process of editing and uploading these videos so stay tuned to know more on how Lumia 920 camera does a pretty good job as compared to other smart phones like S3, Note 2, iPhone 5 and HTC One X. To start with we have now uploaded two videos one of which is the Teaser video by me which is about me which mention which competitor devices with which we tested the photo and video quality of Nokia 920.

Nokia 920 OIS Teaser

Another video shows the landing of an Aero plane shot from Nokia Lumia 920, this video below was again taken with Nokia Lumia 920 in a moving car. This video is embedded below, you can get an idea about the optical image stabilization in this video when my hand was shaking while moving in car and I was trying to focus the aero plane while it was landing.

Nokia Lumia 920 Captured an Aeroplane From a Moving Car

  With the videos above, you can get a small idea but we have lots more to show you might not have seen or noticed before when you record a video from your favorite smart phone, stay tuned we will keep developing this post as we process more videos and upload them on our youtube channel – Youtube.com/technixmedia – you can subscribe to see these videos the moment they become live. The final video recorded on Nokia Lumia 920 from a chopper is live now at our youtube channel, this video shows the comparison in between a nokia lumia 920, iPhone 5 and Samsung galaxy s3 and shows how does Nokia 920 wins due the great optical image stabilization.

Nokia 920 VS iPhone VS S3 Video Recording From Inside a Shaking Helicopter


Nokia Lumia 920 VS iPhone 5 VS S3 Low Light Photography Comparison

iPhone 5 Low Light Photos

S3 Low Light Photos

Nokia Lumia 920 Low Light Photos

Nokia Lumia 920 Low Light Photos Compared With S3, Note 2 and iPhone 5

  Stay tuned for Nokia Lumia 920 camera magic action…