Coming to the Telegram X, which was developed by the winner of TDLib (Telegram Database Library) two years ago now makes its debut on Android. “This app is experimental and may or may not eventually replace the existing official app. But even if it doesn’t, it will speed up the development of Telegram by allowing us to quickly test new approaches and technologies,” said Telegram in a blog post.

Telegram X for Android

Telegram X for Android is an experimental app that is committed to rejuvenating Telegram in terms of speed, quality of animations, and ease of use. The Telegram X is faster and more battery-efficient than the original app and also features a new sleek design. The new Telegram X supports a clean bubble-free mode for chats which allows messages and photos breathing space and photos in channels take the full width of the screen. Moreover, you can tap and hold on any chat to preview its content without opening it. The feature works everywhere, including the sharing menus as well as in the Calls tab. Further, the new app also offers some other useful features such as swiping actions. For instance, you can switch between ‘Chats’ and ‘Calls’ by just swiping from left to right on the main screen. You can also swipe right on any message to instantly share it. Lastly, the newly launched app also offers a redesigned music player and attachment menu along with optimized profile pages with quick access to shared media. Users can easily switch between different types of shared media by just swiping on the page. Download the Telegram X from Play Store for free. Apart from this, in a separate news, Telegram and Telegram X both have supposedly disappeared from Apple’s App Store as shared by a Reddit user. However, Telegram has apparently provided an official statement, “This is not intended. Hopefully, it will be resolved quickly. Both versions should come back soon.”