
Zoom is the most popular service for online meetings during this lockdown and it comes with a lot of features to help you with meetings. Starting with features; you can do online meetings with training and technical support. You can arrange a video webinar for your marketing events and town hall meetings.

You can build a collaboration enabled conference rooms so anyone you need can join in during a meeting. Other than all these, you can use their app to cross-platform messages and can also share important document or files. You can host a meeting with video on or off, and there is also a feature where you can share screen while meetings. ZOOM

Google Hangout Meet

If your business uses G Suite fro Google then you don’t need to spend a single penny on other services for online meetings. If not, then you can start a free trial of the Hangout meet anytime so you know if it is any good for your business. Hangout Meet comes included in the G Suite and G Suite for education.

Hangout Meet comes with a lightweight interface and smart management so you can create multi-user video calls in a breeze. There is no need to worry about whether the participants got the right account or credentials. You can just share a link for the meeting and they can join hassle-free. Hangout Meet


Join.me is another hassle-free service to conduct online meetings with your employees. All you have to do is create your own personalized URL so you can put your brand name in there. You can customize your meetings background with your brand logo or you can put anything you want as a background.

You get better audio calls with best audio quality without paying another penny. You get enterprise-level security so your data is secure with 24/7 admin control over your account. You get one-click screen sharing so you don’t have to re-arrange meeting or use any other service for screen sharing. Join.me

Wrapping up

These were the services which let you conduct hassle-free meetings with your employees and get the business going. These services give you a free trial so you ensure which service is best for you before spending money.