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How to Read Telegram Messages Without Seen

Use Airplane/Aeroplane Mode

When you receive a message on Telegram that you want to read silently, enable Airplane mode.Launch Telegram and read the message.After you’ve completed reading it, close the app and remove it from Recent Tabs.Disable the Airplane mode and turn on your mobile data or WiFi.

You can read the entire conversation using this method and without being “Seen”.

Read Message from the Lock screen/Notification Panel

Telegram provides you the option to turn on Message Previews in the Settings by the help of which you can silently read the new messages straight from the lock screen and the notification panel. Follow these simple steps to achieve the same.

Open the Telegram Settings by opening the Hamburger Menu from the left.Tap on Settings.Select Notifications and Sounds.

Select the category of chat that you want this setting to apply to e.g. Private Chats, Groups, or Channels.Turn on Message Preview.

So, now every time a new message arrives, you can expand and see it from either your lock screen or your notification Panel without anyone knowing.

The ‘Snoop and Look’ Method

Telegram enables its users to use this method to snoop on the most recent message without getting Seen. Do note that only the recent chats can be seen by this method. So, it can’t provide you with the entire conversation to read. To use this, follow these simple steps.

Open the Telegram app and locate the chat that you want to snoop on.Long-Press the chat profile picture in the chat list to see the most recent messageMessages seen this way will not be marked as read.

A point that is mandatory to note here is as soon as you release the long press, the message that you have been reading will be automatically disappeared. You can repeat this procedure as many times as you want to keep reading without being Seen.

Wrapping Up

So, these are the 3 methods with the help of which you can read your Telegram messages silently. If you find this post helpful, hit a like button and share this trick with your friends to prove how helpful you can be to them. Stay tuned for more such How-tos.